Dear Dr. Bawdy,
When I asked my husband today why he doesn’t do “IT” more often, he simply shrugged his shoulders, got up from the kitchen table and took the garbage out. What am I doing or saying wrong?
— IT Girl, Waukegan, WI

Dear IT Girl,
You and your husband are hampered by a limited venereal vocabulary. It’s time you finally got with IT , to say nothing of also getting over IT — if you know what I mean. There are thousands of words for IT which better convey what you mean and what you are looking for. Start by purchasing several copies of our good book. Study IT religiously. Apply its principles, and I can guarantee that you will never have trouble with IT again.
Looking for more sound advice? Write Dr. Bawdy with your problems. Dr. Bawdy is the world’s foremost authority on sex—says he.
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