Sex can take many different turns. It can be a slight turn from the norm—a mere diversion (from the Latin di and vertere) or a complete u-turn (per) away from that which is normal, creating a perversion ( from per and vertere). Think you’d like a spot of perving (c.1925, Australia)? Fine. But only in moderation.
As Voltaire reminded us upon declining a second invitation to an orgy, "Once a philosopher, twice a pervert."
We heard recently of a spot (and spoof) of the sexual other: a young man in Arkansas who has an erotic thing about balloons. "Latex lunacy," you say. Hey, be not so quick to judge. Here's a guy who honestly loves balloons, and you're going to puncture his fantasy? That's cold!

If you think it's all just so much hot air, you wouldn’t be wrong. There's already a subset of such fetishists whose thing is inhaling the helium. Balloon purists, the pure cuddlers, are quick to dismiss these folks, noting how "they simply suck."
Whatever floats your balloon. Right? The big Balloon Fetish Convention is scheduled for October 31 at the Dirigible in Las Vegas. Feel free to float on in.
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