As a public service, we delight in sharing with you the origin of the Webster-approved " f-bomb:"

Interesting how we call it a “bomb.” We bomb on exams, dates, and other critical moments in our life which often culminate in either getting drunk or stoned.
When so bombed, we’re out of our mind with often devastating results.
Curiously, these are also the times when the f-bomb is most likely to be dropped. It frequently comes out of the blue—a bombshell of sorts, a term which originally described something unusual and sudden with unpleasant and painful results.
It’s also a “blockbuster,” delivering shattering or surprising news with real repercussions. The original “blockbuster” was a bomb employed during WWII, touted for its ability – you guessed it — to destroy an entire city block. Today it describes major box-office success or a revelation from the campaign trail.
The f-bomb also often heralds the sensational and, when dropped suddenly, can leave considerable devastation in its wake. It’s a great word, one deserving of our respect. Context and tone is everything. Like all other words, it is meant to be used with intelligence and deftness.
Remember dear reader: obscenity, by itself, is the last refuge of the vulgar and the crutch of the inarticulate motherfucker.
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