As a public service, to advance the world's awareness and understanding of the origins of curse words, swear words, dirty talk, and sexual slang, and to whet your appetite for more, we offer for your pleasure a page from each chapter. These samplers provide a good sense of the subject matter of each chapter, each of which is self contained. They are cool both for reading and as a gift. Individual chapters can be downloaded at a mere $1.99 each. Such a bargain!
Put a bag over her head
You don't have to fuck the bag.
Anon., 20thC
Put a flag over her face
and fuck for Old Glory.
Anon., 20thC
How you play the game depends largely on how you look at it. Seasoned male practitioners see as its primary objective getting into her pants (mid 20thC), a challenge made all the more difficult by her being in them at the same time. Once in there, i.e., having got it on successfully, he is said to have scored. Points are awarded for both technical proficiency and artistic impression.
Your One and Only
It's all in the approach. We once knew it as the three F's (19thC): fuck, fun, and a footrace, referring both to a wild time and a lewd person. More recently it's been the four-F method (c. 1890): find, feel, fuck, and forget, though we later thoughtfully added '"em" to the expression. Hoping to avoid any controversy, the editors of The American Thesaurus of Slang (1953) coyly recorded the expression as find 'em, feel 'em, frig 'em, and forget 'em.
The game's leading scorer is the legendary assman (mid 20thC). The assman cometh but saith little. A deep conversation consists primarily of "getting much?" or "getting any?" His reputation speaks for itself. His credo: "I've seen more ass than a toilet seat."
Here's Looking at You!
That man has a limited perspective is obvious. It comes from looking at every woman through the hole in his prick (late 19th-20thC). He used to look for a fast filly (early 17thC); today it's the fox (1960s, U.S. black slang) he's after. More likely he'll come home with a dog or a bow-wow (mid 20thC) on his arm.
Even a pig (mid 20thC) isn't out of the question. Though he makes such distinctions, in practice he's quite democratic: "All petticoats are sisters in the dark" (18thC). An equal-opportunity employer, he's not concerned with age. As for older women: "They don't swell, won't tell, and are as grateful as hell" (20thC). His general assessment of most females: "I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers" (mid 20thC).